
If you have ever sufferd from inflamation, you that know it hurts.  It is uncomfortable, often is painful and can even be dibilitating preventing us from living our lives to our fullest.

While inflamation can affect all of us at any age, you will most often see more of it as one ages.

But Why?

Here we will explore some of those causes, what others in the healthcare field say about it and then I will introduce you to what I believe to be the biggest cause of inflamation, particularly as we age.  Oxidative Stress.

What those in the area of health and wellness say about inflamation.

Acute vs. chronic inflammation

Injuries and infections produce acute inflammation, the body’s rapid response mechanism that aims to rid itself of the dangerous invader and return it to a state of balance. A release of warning chemicals sounds the alarm, which draws an army of white blood cells to the site of injury. Some of these cells neutralize the invaders, while others clean up the damage that results from the battle. Acute inflammation typically resolves quickly, within a period of hours to days.

Chronic inflammation can begin via the same process, with the body trying to rid itself of what the immune system interprets as foreign adversaries. But this can become a persistent state, even if the perceived threat isn’t truly harmful to one’s health. In autoimmune disorders like rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, type 1 diabetes, ulcerative colitis, and multiple sclerosis, the body mistakenly reacts to its own tissues as if they were foreign, and produces damaging inflammation against them.

This chronic kind of low-grade inflammation may continually simmer under the surface. An unhealthy lifestyle that includes smoking, a poor diet, alcohol consumption, sedentary behavior, stress, and weight gain can cause this type of persistent inflammation.

What Do I say?

While all of those factors listed above are true when it comes the to quesiton as to what causes inflamation, in my view, they do not address the most important cause of inflamation, particularly as we age, and that is Oxidative Stress.

Approximately 40 million people are affected by inflamation in the United States each year.  Either acute or chronic like most healthcare professionals talk about.

Inflamation from Oxidative Stress affects all 326 million people in the U.S.  All 7 Billion people on the planet.

According to the National Cancer Institute Oxidative Stress is defined as:

A condition that may occur when there are too many unstable molecules called free radicals in the body and not enough antioxidants to get rid of them. This can lead to cell and tissue damage. There are many factors that may lead to oxidative stress, including obesity, poor diet, smoking, drinking alcohol, taking certain medicines, and exposure to environmental factors such as radiation, toxins, air pollution, pesticides, and sunlight. Long-term oxidative stress may play a role in aging and the development of chronic inflammation, cancer, and other diseases.

Why does Oxidative Stress Affect Everyone?

Because it occurs with the production of cellular energy called ATP (adenosine triphosphate).  In other words, if it breathes, it potentially produces Oxidative Stress.  Yes the cells produce energy, they must or they die.  But they also produce free radicals called oxidants.  And the only way to counter the effect of these free radicals/oxidants that occur inside the cell is with a very good intercellular antioxidant and that is something called Glutathione.

So what happens if these free radicals/oxidants are not sequestered/neutralized? 

Two things happen.

  1. They can and will damage the inside the cell
  2. They cause the cell walls to become hard, ridiged and swollen.

Neither of these can be good for our overall health and wellbeing.

What is Glutathione?

The most powerful antiocidant in the world is not a berry, fruit or a juice.  It is Glutathione, a compound that our bodies make inside each and ever cell of our body.  You have glutathione in your body right now.  If you didn’t, you would die.

So, if our bodies make Glutathione, why do we need to be concerned about it?

Becasue as we age we make less Glutathione.  Typically, we lose about 1% per year starting in our twenties.  Add additonal enviromental exposures to poor air, water and food and that number could be significantly higher.  Then too, if you suffer from chronic illness, that can exacerbate the decline in Glutathione production.

So, it's no wonder you don't have the energy you use to have as you age. It's no wonder you have more inflamation. You don't have the Glutathione you use to have.

So what can you do about it?

Steve Scott founder of Neumi Explains Nano Technologicaly Engineered Glutathione - Swish

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